Rotary’s effort to eradicate POLIO

When Rotary began its efforts to eradicate polio in the late 1980s, the disease paralysed 350,000 children a year. So much has been achieved over the past 35 years, particularly since The Gates Foundation came on board to partner with Rotary and ramp up the campaign. In 2023 wild polio paralysed 12 children worldwide. That’s still 12 too many, but we haven’t finished yet!

Bill Gates is clearly optimistic about the chances for success. Hear what he has to say:

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year 2024 Let’s celebrate the 2024  .. New Year with open arms and a warm welcome. The year 2024 awaits us to bring many dreams into our lives. The New Year is more than a change in the calendar, it urges us to sculpt the new beginnings and cultivate a more positive approach towards life.

Rotary Impact Expo shows what we do in the Community

Thanks to everyone who came and visited our first public Community Impact Expo by Rotary District 9510 yesterday.
It was a fun day and great to have so many fantastic organisations and speakers.
Thanks to 88.7 Adelaide’s Coast FM for doing some wonderful interviews live from Bonython Hall, The University of Adelaide. If you heard some of the interviews please tell us about it below.
Also we had the pleasure of celebrity Greg Page – original Yellow Wiggle, founder of Heart of the Nation, to share info on a life saving partnership project with Rotary putting defibrillators in our community. Please click on the link below if you would like to know more and connect with a Rotary club near you
Big shout out of thanks to all of our fabulous sponsors, we really appreciate all you have done for the event.
Shout out of thanks to all the clubs and organisations that had some fabulous displays to share with information for the public.
Article published in The Gawler Bunyip

Love exploring places in your caravan and motor home?

Love exploring places in your caravan and motor home? You might like to read about this Rotary fellowship Group who are visiting City of Adelaide at the moment.

Recreational Vehicle Fellowship of Rotarians (RVFR) is one of the many fellowships within Rotary in which the members have a common bond. In this case a love for camping with caravans and motor homes in various locations in Australia.

They come together several times a year, which they label musters and explore places of interest of this great country, these musters are organised with activities in pre-determined locations.

Presently they are here in Adelaide, yes approximately 50 people in 25 Caravans and motor homes. These members are from all over Australia and the world.

In May of 2023 Rotary International is holding their International Conference in Melbourne and so the Recreational Vehicles of Rotarians have organised this “Muster”. It’s a 3 week “muster” starting from Melbourne through Adelaide, Mildura, Echuca and back to Melbourne in time for the conference.

This morning 88.7 Adelaide’s Coast FM will be interviewing some of the members of this great ‘muster’ at 9.15am, we encourage you to tune in and listen to their story and adventures. (Thank you to 88.7 Adelaide’s Coast FM for the opportunity).

These visitors have been out exploring Victor Harbor, South Australia, Glenelg, South Australia the shipping history at Port Adelaide and also enjoying food and wine at the gorgeous Adelaide Hills Hahndorf, South Australia and will also be doing a tour of Adelaide Oval today.

If looking for a more detailed description it can be viewed on their web site and/or Facebook

We also encourage you if you see the team traveling tomorrow to give them a wave as they will depart Adelaide for their next stage of their muster to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

#travel #SouthAustralia #Melbourne #tourism #caravans #motorhomes #fellowship #fun #volunteering #PeopleOfAction #RotaractDistrict9510 #world #worldtraveler #mildura #renmark #adelaidesailingclub #oceanique #westbeachcaravanpark



Your home should be a safe place

Your home should be a safe place to live yet sadly growing numbers of properties in Australia are becoming contaminated with Methamphetamine from the use of or production of the drug known as ICE. WAHealth estimate that 375,000 people are living in a meth contaminated property and do not know it. Meth use and manufacture is not a socio-economic related issue. Remediation companies around Australia report that they attend to more high-end properties than social housing properties.

Whilst most people think it is just the property (bricks and mortar) that is contaminated this is not the case. The contents of the property and anyone residing in the property after the drug user has vacated are also absorbing the residue and having their health affected as a result. Also, anyone entering the property and staying for more than half an hour is also at risk. This opens the numbers of people affected by the contamination to more than the 375,000 estimated to be residing in a contaminated property. The highest risk is to children and ignoring this fact needs to be seen for what it is ‘child abuse’.

Why is this happening and continuing to happen? Essentially it is down to two factors, lack of legislation and lack of public awareness. Drug use will never be curtailed and as one drug falls out of favour another will take its place. Therefore, banning drugs is not the answer. Protecting innocent people from purchasing or leasing a contaminated property, buying a contaminated vehicle, or purchasing contaminated goods is where the focus of attention should be.

This starts with public awareness of the issue and how to protect the family and investments. It begins with the market refusing to purchase or lease unless the property is tested. It begins with government regulating the testing and remediation industry and the real estate industry. It begins with accredited training being required to undertake testing and remediation and hefty fines for those who do not comply.  If the government can act within a day on protesters and within a day on the ICAC then surely they can act quickly on the changes needed and as they are currently not doing that one has to question WHY NOT?

Yvonne Lacey OAM
Read bio’s for Michael and Yvonne