100 Peace Poles – 100 Years of Rotary in SA

100 Peace Poles Project
Rotary Club of Adelaide
Sponsor a Peace Pole to be established in your community
Contact: Rotary Club of Adelaide secretary@adelaiderotary.com.au

I had the pleasure of talking to Heidi Unferdorben, Immediate Past President and Chair Centenary Committee Rotary Club of Adelaide about the Peace Pole Project. She shared the following information about this project

The Peace Pole program had its beginnings in 1955. You can now find Peace Poles in close to 200 countries with more than 250,000 placed around the world. The Rotary Club of Adelaide aims to distribute 100 Peace Poles in recognition of the 100 years of Rotary in South Australia 2023-24.

Peace Poles are set into the earth, with the Universal Peace Message ’May Peace Prevail on Earth’ written on each side in four languages. They symbolise our common wish for a world at peace. They stand as a silent vigil, reminding us to think and act in the spirit of peace.

The Rotary Club of Adelaide is inviting schools, individuals, other Rotary Clubs, community organisations and businesses in South Australia to join together and help spread the message of peace across our state and throughout the world by sponsoring a Peace Pole. Each pole will be delivered complete to you and will be numbered from 1 to 100. You can choose where it will go in your local community.

You, your Rotary Club, school, business or community organisation can be a part of the growing peace movement in South Australia and support this idea.
Email:     Heidi Unferdorben  Chair
Centenary Committee



The following Radio podcast Curtesy ABC Adelaide 891